2024 Joint MRC Centre and NIHR HPRUs Annual Training Day – 10 October 2024

We are delighted to announce that we will host the fourth Joint Annual Training Day event for the MRC Centre in Environment and Health and the NIHR HPRUs in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards and in Environmental Exposures and Health, on Thursday, 10th October 2024, at the Royal Society.

This will be an exciting opportunity for everyone to come together to celebrate our PhD students’ and Early Career Researchers’ research journeys so far. The day will include an overview on the Joint Training Programme activities, and presentations and posters by our current PhD students and ECRs. We will also have the opportunity to hear more about Mental Health and how we can support our PhD students and ECRs.

We are delighted to confirm that Professor Barbara Hoffmann will give the keynote presentation on Putting evidence to work – the case of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directive.

Professor Hoffmann is a world-leading expert in Environmental Epidemiology at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany. Her research focuses on the investigation of acute and chronic cardiopulmonary health effects of air pollution.

As in previous years, there will be a competition for the best student/ECR oral and poster presentations, one of the Directors will present the prizes on the day.

A social event, including food and drinks, will be followed.

Please complete the online booking form to confirm your attendance and any special requirements.

Event organiser:
Anastasia Ioakeimidou
Scientific Manager
MRC Centre for Environment and Health and NIHR HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards