The Steering Committee is the senior management and decision-making forum of the Centre. In addition to the Director, Deputy Director and the leads of the Centre's main research programmes and cross-cutting platforms, the Committee membership includes representatives of the Investigators, of the Wider Engagement and Joint Training Programme, and of the Researchers' Society. The Steering Committee meets approximately every two months.
For more information see: Steering Group -terms of Reference
Professor Paul Elliott | Centre Director |
Professor Frank Kelly FIEnvSc FRCP (Hons) | Deputy Director, Theme Lead: Environmental Exposures |
Professor Marta Blangiardo | Theme Lead: Biostatistics and Data Sciences |
Professor Majid Ezzati | Theme Lead: Healthy Cities, Healthy People |
Professor Debbie Jarvis | Theme Lead: Cohorts and Data Resources |
Professor Paolo Vineis | Theme Lead: Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways |
Professor Mireille Toledano | Centre Investigators' Representative |
Dr Ian Mudway | PCIEP Coordinator |
Dr Frédéric Piel and Dr Stephanie Wright | Joint Training Programme Director and Deputy Director |
Ms Ruthie Parsons and Mr Joseph Levermore | Researchers’ Society Co-chairs |
Ms Anastasia Ioakeimidou and Ms Angela Lewis | Centre Scientific Manager and ERG Associate Director |