
Regular Society Meetings

The Society meets once a month, usually on the third Thursday of the month. Keep checking your mail inbox for more information.


2024 Events

  • First Event: April Board Games Social: Join us in the new SPH building for a Board Game evening.
  • Second Event: Pub Quiz - Share your knowledge
  • Third Event: June 2024 Bowling- Come have fun and show off your bowling skills while connecting with members of the Researchers' Society.
  • Fourth Event: September 2024 - Welcome back – summer social + BBQ and Friends; Rounders, fun activities – summer sports day!
  • Fifth Event: December 2024 - RS Winter Gala


Winter Gala

Wednesday the 11th of December 2024 from 16:00 - 19:00

Annual Winter Gala



Past Events

Speak Your Science

Thursday 23rd November 2023, 18:30 - 21:00 (BST). 

Speak your science - is an event to provide a space for researchers and members of the public alike to come together, be curious, and chat about research in a relaxed environment outside of mysterious laboratories or daunting dark lecture theatres.

The event will be held at Imperial College London’s Metric (Beit Quadrangle, Prince Consort Rd, London SW7 2BB) 



"Food for Thought": An evening's dicussion on all things diet and health

Thursday 3rd June 2021, 16:00 - 18:00 (BST).

“Food for Thought” will provide insight into the emerging field of Lifestyle Medicine. The evening will be an open panel discussion with Dr. Saray Stancic, Dr. David Katz, Dr. Richard Pinder, and Dr. Amy Bannerman.

Event registrants will have access to a free screening of the documentary “Code Blue”, which will be sent one week prior to the event! “Code Blue” follows Dr. Stancic’s story and investigates the gaps in medicine with regards to public health and provides a solution featuring the practice of lifestyle medicine to prevent, manage and reverse chronic diseases.

Have any pressing questions on the meaning of lifestyle medicine and how it is implemented today? Please forward your queries to: mrc.centre.res.soc@imperial.ac.uk, and we will hope to get them answered during the event. We aim to make this event as interactive and engaging as possible so be ready to share your thoughts and get involved!



A Particulate-ly Interesting History

Thursday 18th March 2021 4-6 pm

'A Particulate-ly Interesting History' will provide an insight into the history of air pollution in the United Kingdom, its impact on our health and discuss effective solutions for abatement. The evening will be an open panel discussion between Professor Anna Hansell, Dr. Ian Mudway, Dr. Gary Fuller, and Ms. Beth Gardiner.

Have any pressing questions on the history of air pollution or its current status? Please send your queries to mrc.centre.res.soc@imperial.ac.uk and we will hope to get them answered during the event. We aim to make this event as interactive and engaging as possible so be ready to share your thoughts and get involved!

Picture a Scientist: Movie Screening and Panel Discussion

Tuesday 2nd Feb 2021 4-5 pm

Picture a Scientist film chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists. Biologist Nancy Hopkins, chemist Raychelle Burks, and geologist Jane Willenbring lead viewers on a journey deep into their own experiences in the sciences, ranging from brutal harassment to years of subtle slights. Along the way, from cramped laboratories to spectacular field stations, we encounter scientific luminaries - including social scientists, neuroscientists, and psychologists - who provide new perspectives on how to make science itself more diverse, equitable, and open to all.

You can watch the recording of the discussion here


Christmas Gala 2020: Getting the science right to improve health inequalities for women and girls globally

Thursday 10th Dec 2020 5-6:30 pm

For too long, women were not included in health research and even when they were, results from studies were not analysed separately for women and men. As a consequence, this has led to poor science and in many instances, to poorer health outcomes for women. Additionally, many of the advances we have made in improving health outcomes for women have not been shared by all women, especially those in resource-poor settings. We can and must do better.

Professor Robyn Norton

Epidemiologist by training, is the co-founder and Principal Director of The George Institute for Global Health and Chair of Global Health at Imperial College London.

To view the recording of the event, please click here




The Story of Plastic

Tuesday 28th July 2020 5-6 pm

To spread awareness of the environmental and human rights threat of plastic, we are participating in the grassroots screening tour of The Story of Plastic, a documentary by The Story of Stuff Project. Followed by a Panel Discussion with Delphine Lévi Alvarès (Rethinking Plastic Alliance), Prof. Paul Lickiss (ICL) and Dr Stephanie Wright (ICL).

To find out more about the Plastic Free July, and tips and tricks for reducing your plastic consumption visit: https://www.plasticfreejuly.org/

Wellbeing II: Art Therapy Workshop

Thursday 23rd July 2020 12-2 pm

Using items found around the home such as pens, pencils and foodstuffs such as turmeric, tea and coffee, the directed wellbeing workshop will explore topics such as self-care, working in isolation, and stress, time and workload management, using art exercises such as mapping your support network.

The two-hour workshop will be given by Lee Simmons from Social Art and Therapy, an artist, climbing instructor and psychotherapist. Lee has tailored the workshop to focus on the wellbeing of PhD students and early career researchers during COVID-19 lockdown as we find ourselves working more in isolation and having difficulty balancing work, relaxation, time, stress and focus.


Wellbeing I: Get your body moving

Tuesday 21st July 2020 - 12-1 pm

Join us and Vincent Merouze for a lunchtime dance fitness session aimed to get you up, moving and releasing important mood-boosting endorphins! The session will be for all levels and abilities, focussing on making you feel good.