The Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways programme aims to improve our understanding of the causal link between exposures to common environmental contaminants and disease, by characterizing the individuals’ external and internal exposome (i.e. the sum of all exposures from conception onwards) particularly during critical periods of life, e.g. in utero, in childhood, etc.
Our research in this area involves large population studies with collection of biological samples, using novel study designs and advanced multi-omic technologies (including epigenetics, proteomics, transcriptomics or metabolomics) to identify biomarkers of exposure and/or disease.
The ultimate goal of this research is to reduce uncertainties in assessing the risk related to common environmental contaminants, by characterising the molecular signatures (biomarkers) of these exposures and identifying plausible pathways or networks through which they lead to disease initiation or progression. We are also exploring new approaches to measuring external exposures, including mass-spectrometric analysis of river and drinking water, the use of sensors and silicone wristbands.
Theme Lead
Prof. Paolo Vineis

Professor of Environmental Epidemiology
Programme Lead: Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Professor Paolo Vineis
MRC Centre Themes:
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways – Programme Lead
Cohorts and Data Resources
Research areas:
Principal Team
Prof. Paul Elliott

Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine
Director MRC Centre
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Professor Paul Elliott
MRC Centre Themes:
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Cohorts and Data Resources
Research areas:
Dr Leon Barron

Reader in Analytical & Environmental Science
Environmental Research Group, School of Public Health
View papers for Dr Leon Barron
MRC Centre Themes:
Environmental Exposures
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Research areas:
Prof. Marc Chadeau-Hyam

Professor in Computational Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Professor Marc Chadeau-Hyam
Dr Abbas Dehghan

Reader in Cardiometabolic Disease Epidemiology
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Dr Abbas Dehghan
MRC Centre Themes:
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Cohorts and Data Resources
Research areas:
Prof. Ioanna Tzoulaki

Professor in Chronic Disease Epidemiology
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Professor Ioanna Tzoulaki
Dr Ian Mudway

Senior Lecturer in Respiratory Toxicology
MRC Centre PCIEP Coordinator
MRC Centre PPI/PPE Coordinator
Environmental Research Group, School of Public Health
View papers for Dr Ian Mudway
MRC Centre Themes:
Environmental Exposures
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Research areas:
Dr Oliver Robinson

Lecturer in Molecular Epidemiology
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Dr Oliver Robinson
MRC Centre Themes:
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Cohorts and Data Resources
Research areas:
Associated Team
Prof. Frank Kelly FIEnvSc FRCP (Hons)

Humphrey Battcock Chair in Community Health and Policy
Deputy Director of MRC Centre & Programme Lead: Environmental Exposures
Environmental Research Group, School of Public Health
View papers for Professor Frank Kelly
MRC Centre Themes:
Environmental Exposures – Programme Lead
Healthy Cities, Healthy People
Research areas:
Prof. Tim Ebbels

Professor of Biomedical Data Science
Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction
View papers for Professor Tim Ebbels
MRC Centre Themes:
Biostatistics and Data Science
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Research areas:
Prof. Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin

Professor of Lifecourse Epidemiology
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Professor Marjo-Ritta Jarvelin
Prof Manjinder S Sandhu

Chair in Population Health and Data Science
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Prof Manjinder S Sandhu
MRC Centre Themes:
Cohorts and Data Resources
Molecular signatures and disease pathways
Research areas:
Prof. Mireille Toledano

Mohn Chair in Population Child Health & Director of the Mohn Centre
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Professor Mireille Toledano
MRC Centre Themes:
Cohorts and Data Resources
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Healthy Cities, Healthy People
Research areas:
Dr Dragana Vuckovic

Lecturer in Computational Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Dr Dragana Vuckovic
MRC Centre Themes:
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Biostatistics and Data Science
Research areas:
Dr Stephanie Wright

Lecturer in Environmental Toxicology
Joint Training Programme Deputy Director
Environmental Research Group, School of Public Health
View papers for Dr Stephanie Wright
MRC Centre Themes:
Environmental Exposures
Molecular Signatures and Disease Pathways
Research areas:
Dr Verena Zuber

Lecturer in Biostatistics
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
View papers for Dr Verena Zuber
Key Projects and Papers
• The Horizon 2020 LIFEPATH, and DynaHEALTH projects applied multi-omic technologies to decipher environmental signals and their biological signatures and interactions. LIFEPATH investigated the determinants of diverging ageing pathways among individuals belonging to different socio-economic groups to identify the mechanisms by which the upstream and social determinants of health operate. In particular, we showed that, among other omic markers, epigenetic age acceleration is associated with risk factors for health and also to socio-economic status.
• The AIRLESS population panel study in inner and outer Beijing involves individual personal exposure monitoring of PM2.5, NO2/NOx, and O3 over a 7-day period in winter and summer seasons. We carry out metabolomic analyses in blood samples obtained from AIRLESS participants for molecular signatures of these exposures, as demonstrated in the randomised Oxford Street II study which provided a proof-of-principle of the approach.
• The METAGE project aims to: develop reproducible markers of biological age using metabolomics; determine the utility of metabolomic age as a prediction tool of morbidity and mortality in adults; determine the developmental impact of accelerated biological ageing in children; describe the biological processes underlying biological ageing; and understand the social drivers and determinants of accelerated biological ageing in both children and adults. Predictive models of biological age are being developed using targeted NMR metabolomics in around 35,000 people (45,000 samples) across multiple cohorts, untargeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) metabolomics alongside annotation work of new molecules, and in children using metabolomic, epigenetic and other data in three birth cohorts.
• The ALEC study (Ageing Lungs in European Cohorts) aims to improve our understanding of risk factors for low lung function, respiratory disability and the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), by using information held within existing cohort studies. Even though COPD has long been viewed as a predominantly smoking-related disease, there is increasing awareness that lifestyle and environment contribute to disease even from very early in life, including before birth.
• EXPANSE (Exposome Powered tools for healthy living in urbAN Settings) is a consortium on the urban exposome funded by the H2020 and led by the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Utrecht. EXPANSE performs personalized exposome assessment for 5,000 individuals in five cities across Europe; applies a novel approach to use ultra-high-resolution mass-spectrometry to agnostically screen for exogenous chemicals in 10,000 blood samples of cohort study members; studies the evolution of the Exposome and health through the life course using both (matured) birth and adult cohorts; and evaluates the impact of changes in the urban exposome on the burden of cardio-metabolic and pulmonary disease.
• Water exposome - Identification and monitoring of potentially hundreds of new highly toxic agents (HTAs) in drinking water arising from by-products of chemical treatment processes (e.g disinfection) or contamination with chemical substances (pharmaceuticals, pesticides, organometallics, plastic-related compounds, etc.) remains a significant challenge. Analytical methods involving ion chromatography, liquid chromatography and comprehensive gas chromatography coupled to full-scan high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) instruments are developed and validated for several main classes of currently known compounds including plasticisers, disinfectant by-products (haloacetic acids, oxyhalides, trihalomethanes), pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, etc.), pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs (focussing on those which survive wastewater treatment). Full-scan measurement data for these ‘model’ compounds are then used to construct machine learning-based prediction models to assist in identification of new HTA substances.
• Plastic exposome - Micropollutants, including chemical additives (phthalates, flame retardants) and micro- and nanoplastic particles (MNPs), are released from plastic throughout its lifecycle, to water supplies, food chains and ambient air, giving rise to a ‘plastic exposome’. Our instrumentation (pyrolysis-GCxGC TOF MS) allows for the development of novel, exposomic-type applications to characterise the plastic chemical fingerprint in environmental and biological samples, in addition to quantitative workflows. Through ambient measurements (NERC), internal measurements in human tissue (MRC, Common Seas), and in vitro toxicology experiments (MRC, EEH HPRU), we are exploring the connections between plastic micropollutant exposures and molecular signatures of disease.
• We developed a new conceptual framework for improving hazard identification and risk assessment based on the model of pathway perturbation and “meet-in-the-middle”, i.e. agnostically investigating associations between exposures and omic perturbations, and between omic perturbations and disease outcomes, then identifying overlapping pathways that indicate plausible causal relationships and provide mechanistic evidence. We participated in the report of the US National Academy of Sciences report “Using 21st Century Science to Improve Risk-Related Evaluation”. Showing that the exposome paradigm can be applied to advanced risk assessment procedures for regulatory purposes.
•Tracing Founder Mutations in Circulating and Tissue-Resident Follicular Lymphoma Precursors. Schroers-Martin JG, Soo J, Brisou G, Scherer F, Kurtz DM, Sworder BJ, Khodadoust MS, Jin MC, Bru A, Liu CL, Stehr H, Vineis P; EPIC Consortium; Natkunam Y, Teras LR, Song JY, Nadel B, Diehn M, Roulland S, Alizadeh AA.Cancer Discov. 2023 Jun 2;13(6):1310-1323. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-23-0111.PMID: 36939219
•Enhanced selectivity for acidic contaminants in drinking water: From suspect screening to toxicity prediction. Ciccarelli D, Christopher Braddock D, Surman AJ, Arenas BIV, Salal T, Marczylo T, Vineis P, Barron LP.J Hazard Mater. 2023 Apr 15;448:130906. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.130906. Epub 2023 Jan 31.PMID: 36764252
•Cord blood epigenome-wide meta-analysis in six European-based child cohorts identifies signatures linked to rapid weight growth. Alfano R, Zugna D, Barros H, Bustamante M, Chatzi L, Ghantous A, Herceg Z, Keski-Rahkonen P, de Kok TM, Nawrot TS, Relton CL, Robinson O, Roumeliotaki T, Scalbert A, Vrijheid M, Vineis P, Richiardi L, Plusquin M.BMC Med. 2023 Jan 11;21(1):17. doi: 10.1186/s12916-022-02685-7.PMID: 36627699
•Global assessment of chemical quality of drinking water: The case of trihalomethanes. Villanueva CM, Evlampidou I, Ibrahim F, Donat-Vargas C, Valentin A, Tugulea AM, Echigo S, Jovanovic D, Lebedev AT, Lemus-Pérez M, Rodriguez-Susa M, Luzati A, de Cássia Dos Santos Nery T, Pastén PA, Quiñones M, Regli S, Weisman R, Dong S, Ha M, Phattarapattamawong S, Manasfi T, Musah SE, Eng A, Janák K, Rush SC, Reckhow D, Krasner SW, Vineis P, Richardson SD, Kogevinas M.Water Res. 2023 Feb 15;230:119568. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.119568. Epub 2023 Jan 3.PMID: 36621278
•Association between work characteristics and epigenetic age acceleration: cross-sectional results from UK - Understanding Society study. Freni-Sterrantino A, Fiorito G, d'Errico A, Virtanen M, Ala-Mursula L, Järvelin MR, Vineis P, Robinson O.Aging (Albany NY). 2022 Oct 5;14(19):7752-7773. doi: 10.18632/aging.204327. Epub 2022 Oct 5.PMID: 36202116
•The exposome as the science of social-to-biological transitions. Vineis P, Barouki R.Environ Int. 2022 Jul;165:107312. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107312. Epub 2022 May 21.PMID: 35635963
•Health co-benefits of climate change action in Italy. Vineis P, Romanello M, Michelozzi P, Martuzzi M.Lancet Planet Health. 2022 Apr;6(4):e293-e294. doi: 10.1016/S2542-5196(22)00061-4.PMID: 35397213
•Anti-cancer therapy is associated with long-term epigenomic changes in childhood cancer survivors. Robinson N, Casement J, Gunter MJ, Huybrechts I, Agudo A, Barranco MR, Eichelmann F, Johnson T, Kaaks R, Pala V, Panico S, Sandanger TM, Schultze MB, Travis RC, Tumino R, Vineis P, Weiderpass E, Skinner R, Sharp L, McKay JA, Strathdee G.Br J Cancer. 2022 Jul;127(2):288-300. doi: 10.1038/s41416-022-01792-9. Epub 2022 Mar 30.PMID: 35354948
•Work-related stress and well-being in association with epigenetic age acceleration: A Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study. Freni-Sterrantino A, Fiorito G, D'Errico A, Robinson O, Virtanen M, Ala-Mursula L, Järvelin MR, Ronkainen J, Vineis P.Aging (Albany NY). 2022 Feb 2;14(3):1128-1156. doi: 10.18632/aging.203872. Epub 2022 Feb 2.PMID: 35113041
•Co-benefits from sustainable dietary shifts for population and environmental health: an assessment from a large European cohort study. Laine JE, Huybrechts I, Gunter MJ, Ferrari P, Weiderpass E, Tsilidis K, Aune D, Schulze MB, Bergmann M, Temme EHM, Boer JMA, Agnoli C, Ericson U, Stubbendorff A, Ibsen DB, Dahm CC, Deschasaux M, Touvier M, Kesse-Guyot E, Sánchez Pérez MJ, Rodríguez Barranco M, Tong TYN, Papier K, Knuppel A, Boutron-Ruault MC, Mancini F, Severi G, Srour B, Kühn T, Masala G, Agudo A, Skeie G, Rylander C, Sandanger TM, Riboli E, Vineis P.Lancet Planet Health. 2021 Nov;5(11):e786-e796. doi: 10.1016/S2542-5196(21)00250-3. Epub 2021 Oct 22.
•Exposure to widespread drinking water chemicals, blood inflammation markers, and colorectal cancer. Villanueva CM, Espinosa A, Gracia-Lavedan E, Vlaanderen J, Vermeulen R, Molina AJ, Amiano P, Gómez-Acebo I, Castaño-Vinyals G, Vineis P, Kogevinas M.Environ Int. 2021 Dec;157:106873. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106873. Epub 2021 Sep 17.PMID: 34543938
•Plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and pancreatic cancer risk. Porta M, Gasull M, Pumarega J, Kiviranta H, Rantakokko P, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Bergdahl IA, Sandanger TM, Agudo A, Rylander C, Nøst TH, Donat-Vargas C, Aune D, Heath AK, Cirera L, Goñi-Irigoyen F, Alguacil J, Giménez-Robert À, Tjønneland A, Sund M, Overvad K, Mancini FR, Rebours V, Boutron-Ruault MC, Kaaks R, Schulze MB, Trichopoulou A, Palli D, Grioni S, Tumino R, Naccarati A, Panico S, Vermeulen R, Quirós JR, Rodríguez-Barranco M, Colorado-Yohar SM, Chirlaque MD, Ardanaz E, Wareham N, Key T, Johansson M, Murphy N, Ferrari P, Huybrechts I, Chajes V, Gonzalez CA, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Gunter M, Weiderpass E, Riboli E, Duell EJ, Katzke V, Vineis P.Int J Epidemiol. 2022 May 9;51(2):479-490. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyab115.PMID: 34259837
•Commentary: Climate change and health: the importance of experiments. Vineis P, Butler A.Int J Epidemiol. 2021 Jul 9;50(3):929-930. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyaa261.PMID: 33346353
•Short-term personal and outdoor exposure to ultrafine and fine particulate air pollution in association with blood pressure and lung function in healthy adults. van Nunen E, Hoek G, Tsai MY, Probst-Hensch N, Imboden M, Jeong A, Naccarati A, Tarallo S, Raffaele D, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Vlaanderen J, Gulliver J, Amaral AFS, Vineis P, Vermeulen R.Environ Res. 2021 Mar;194:110579. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110579. Epub 2020 Dec 4.
•The use of silicone wristbands to evaluate personal exposure to semi-volatile organic chemicals (SVOCs) in France and Italy. Wang S, Romanak KA, Tarallo S, Francavilla A, Viviani M, Vineis P, Rothwell JA, Mancini FR, Cordero F, Naccarati A, Severi G, Venier M.Environ Pollut. 2020 Dec;267:115490. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115490. Epub 2020 Sep 10.
•Blood Metal Levels and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Risk: A Prospective Cohort. Peters S, Broberg K, Gallo V, Levi M, Kippler M, Vineis P, Veldink J, van den Berg L, Middleton L, Travis RC, Bergmann MM, Palli D, Grioni S, Tumino R, Elbaz A, Vlaar T, Mancini F, Kühn T, Katzke V, Agudo A, Goñi F, Gómez JH, Rodríguez-Barranco M, Merino S, Barricarte A, Trichopoulou A, Jenab M, Weiderpass E, Vermeulen R.Ann Neurol. 2021 Jan;89(1):125-133. doi: 10.1002/ana.25932. Epub 2020 Nov 6.
• DNA methylation signature of chronic low-grade inflammation and its role in cardio-respiratory diseases. Wielscher M, Mandaviya PR, Kuehnel B, Joehanes R, Mustafa R, Robinson O, Zhang Y, Bodinier B, Walton E, Mishra PP, Schlosser P, Wilson R, Tsai PC, Palaniswamy S, Marioni RE, Fiorito G, Cugliari G, Karhunen V, Ghanbari M, Psaty BM, Loh M, Bis JC, Lehne B, Sotoodehnia N, Deary IJ, Chadeau-Hyam M, Brody JA, Cardona A, Selvin E, Smith AK, Miller AH, Torres MA, Marouli E, Gào X, van Meurs JBJ, Graf-Schindler J, Rathmann W, Koenig W, Peters A, Weninger W, Farlik M, Zhang T, Chen W, Xia Y, Teumer A, Nauck M, Grabe HJ, Doerr M, Lehtimäki T, Guan W, Milani L, Tanaka T, Fisher K, Waite LL, Kasela S, Vineis P, Verweij N, van der Harst P, Iacoviello L, Sacerdote C, Panico S, Krogh V, Tumino R, Tzala E, Matullo G, Hurme MA, Raitakari OT, Colicino E, Baccarelli AA, Kähönen M, Herzig KH, Li S, BIOS consortium, Conneely KN, Kooner JS, Köttgen A, Heijmans BT, Deloukas P, Relton C, Ong KK, Bell JT, Boerwinkle E, Elliott P, Brenner H, Beekman M, Levy D, Waldenberger M, Chambers JC, Dehghan A, Järvelin MR. Nat Commun 2022;13(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-022-29792-6
• Metabolome-wide association study on ABCA7 indicates a role of ceramide metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease. Dehghan A, Pinto RC, Karaman I, Huang J, Durainayagam BR, Ghanbari M, Nazeer A, Zhong Q, Liggi S, Whiley L, Mustafa R, Kivipelto M, Solomon A, Ngandu T, Kanekiyo T, Aikawa T, Radulescu CI, Barnes SJ, Graça G, Chekmeneva E, Camuzeaux S, Lewis MR, Kaluarachchi MR, Ikram MA, Holmes E, Tzoulaki I, Matthews PM, Griffin JL, Elliott P. Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022;119(43)
• Epigenetic mechanisms of lung carcinogenesis involve differentially methylated CpG sites beyond those associated with smoking. Petrovic D, Bodinier B, Dagnino S, Whitaker M, Karimi M, Campanella G, Haugdahl Nøst T, Polidoro S, Palli D, Krogh V, Tumino R, Sacerdote C, Panico S, Lund E, Dugué PA, Giles GG, Severi G, Southey M, Vineis P, Stringhini S, Bochud M, Sandanger TM, Vermeulen RCH, Guida F, Chadeau-Hyam M. Eur J Epidemiol 2022;37(6):629-40. doi: 10.1007/s10654-022-00877-2
• EXPOSOMICS - What is new in the exposome? Vineis P, Robinson O, Chadeau-Hyam M, Dehghan A, Mudway I, Dagnino S. Environ Int. 2020 Jun 30;143:105887. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105887. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32619912
• LIFEPATH - Special Report: The Biology of Inequalities in Health: The Lifepath Consortium. Vineis P, Avendano-Pabon M, Barros H, Bartley M, Carmeli C, Carra L, Chadeau-Hyam M, Costa G, Delpierre C, D'Errico A, Fraga S, Giles G, Goldberg M, Kelly-Irving M, Kivimaki M, Lepage B, Lang T, Layte R, MacGuire F, Mackenbach JP, Marmot M, McCrory C, Milne RL, Muennig P, Nusselder W, Petrovic D, Polidoro S, Ricceri F, Robinson O, Stringhini S, Zins M. Front Public Health. 2020 May 12;8:118. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00118. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32478023
• Five ways to ensure that models serve society: a manifesto. Saltelli A, Bammer G, Bruno I, Charters E, Di Fiore M, Didier E, Nelson Espeland W, Kay J, Lo Piano S, Mayo D, Pielke R Jr, Portaluri T, Porter TM, Puy A, Rafols I, Ravetz JR, Reinert E, Sarewitz D, Stark PB, Stirling A, van der Sluijs J, Vineis P. Nature. 2020 Jun;582(7813):482-484. doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-01812-9. PMID: 32581374
• Advancing human health risk assessment. Lanzoni A, Castoldi AF, Kass GE, Terron A, De Seze G, Bal-Price A, Bois FY, Delclos KB, Doerge DR, Fritsche E, Halldorsson T, Kolossa-Gehring M, Hougaard Bennekou S, Koning F, Lampen A, Leist M, Mantus E, Rousselle C, Siegrist M, Steinberg P, Tritscher A, Van de Water B, Vineis P, Walker N, Wallace H, Whelan M, Younes M. EFSA J. 2019 Jul 8;17(Suppl 1):e170712. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.e170712
• Short-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution reveals a compound-specific circulating miRNA profile indicating multiple disease risks. Krauskopf J, van Veldhoven K, Chadeau-Hyam M, Vermeulen R, Carrasco-Turigas G, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Vineis P, de Kok TM, Kleinjans JC. Environ Int. 2019 Jul;128:193-200. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.04.063. Epub 2019 May 3.
• Socioeconomic position, lifestyle habits and biomarkers of epigenetic aging: a multi-cohort analysis. Fiorito G, McCrory C, Robinson O, Carmeli C, Rosales CO, Zhang Y, Colicino E, Dugué PA, Artaud F, McKay GJ, Jeong A, Mishra PP, Nøst TH, Krogh V, Panico S, Sacerdote C, Tumino R, Palli D, Matullo G, Guarrera S, Gandini M, Bochud M, Dermitzakis E, Muka T, Schwartz J, Vokonas PS, Just A, Hodge AM, Giles GG, Southey MC, Hurme MA, Young I, McKnight AJ, Kunze S, Waldenberger M, Peters A, Schwettmann L, Lund E, Baccarelli A, Milne RL, Kenny RA, Elbaz A, Brenner H, Kee F, Voortman T, Probst-Hensch N, Lehtimäki T, Elliot P, Stringhini S, Vineis P, Polidoro S; BIOS Consortium; Lifepath consortium. Aging (Albany NY). 2019 Apr 14;11(7):2045-2070. doi: 10.18632/aging.101900.
• ExpoApp: An integrated system to assess multiple personal environmental exposures. Donaire-Gonzalez D, Valentín A, van Nunen E, Curto A, Rodriguez A, Fernandez-Nieto M, Naccarati A, Tarallo S, Tsai MY, Probst-Hensch N, Vermeulen R, Hoek G, Vineis P, Gulliver J, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ. Environ Int. 2019 May;126:494-503. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.02.054. Epub 2019 Mar 5.
• Multi-cohort study identifies social determinants of systemic inflammation over the life course. Berger E, Castagné R, Chadeau-Hyam M, Bochud M, d'Errico A, Gandini M, Karimi M, Kivimäki M, Krogh V, Marmot M, Panico S, Preisig M, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Steptoe A, Stringhini S, Tumino R, Vineis P, Delpierre C, Kelly-Irving M. Nat Commun. 2019 Feb 15;10(1):773. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08732-x. PMID:30770820
• Socioeconomic position during pregnancy and DNA methylation signatures at three stages across early life: epigenome-wide association studies in the ALSPAC birth cohort. Alfano R, Guida F, Galobardes B, Chadeau-Hyam M, Delpierre C, Ghantous A, Henderson J, Herceg Z, Jain P, Nawrot TS, Relton C, Vineis P, Castagné R, Plusquin M. Int J Epidemiol. 2018 Dec 22. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy259
• Impact of short-term traffic-related air pollution on the metabolome - Results from two metabolome-wide experimental studies. van Veldhoven K, Kiss A, Keski-Rahkonen P, Robinot N, Scalbert A, Cullinan P, Chung KF, Collins P, Sinharay R, Barratt BM, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Rodoreda AA, Carrasco-Turigas G, Vlaanderen J, Vermeulen R, Portengen L, Kyrtopoulos SA, Ponzi E, Chadeau-Hyam M, Vineis P. Environ Int. 2019 Feb;123:124-131. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.11.034. Epub 2018 Dec 3.
• Acute changes in DNA methylation in relation to 24 h personal air pollution exposure measurements: A panel study in four European countries. Mostafavi N, Vermeulen R, Ghantous A, Hoek G, Probst-Hensch N, Herceg Z, Tarallo S, Naccarati A, Kleinjans JCS, Imboden M, Jeong A, Morley D, Amaral AFS, van Nunen E, Gulliver J, Chadeau-Hyam M, Vineis P, Vlaanderen J. Environ Int. 2018 Nov;120:11-21. doi: 1016/j.envint.2018.07.026. Epub 2018 Jul 25.
• Assessment of Lung Cancer Risk on the Basis of a Biomarker Panel of Circulating Proteins. Integrative Analysis of Lung Cancer Etiology and Risk (INTEGRAL) Consortium for Early Detection of Lung Cancer, Guida F, Sun N, Bantis LE, Muller DC, Li P, Taguchi A, Dhillon D, Kundnani DL, Patel NJ, Yan Q, Byrnes G, Moons KGM, Tjønneland A, Panico S, Agnoli C, Vineis P, Palli D, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Peeters PH, Agudo A, Huerta JM, Dorronsoro M, Barranco MR, Ardanaz E, Travis RC, Byrne KS, Boeing H, Steffen A, Kaaks R, Hüsing A, Trichopoulou A, Lagiou P, La Vecchia C, Severi G, Boutron-Ruault MC, Sandanger TM, Weiderpass E, Nøst TH, Tsilidis K, Riboli E, Grankvist K, Johansson M, Goodman GE, Feng Z, Brennan P, Johansson M, Hanash SM. JAMA Oncol. 2018 Oct 1;4(10):e182078. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2018.2078.
• Perturbation of metabolic pathways mediates the association of air pollutants with asthma and cardiovascular diseases. Jeong A, Fiorito G, Keski-Rahkonen P, Imboden M, Kiss A, Robinot N, Gmuender H, Vlaanderen J, Vermeulen R, Kyrtopoulos S, Herceg Z, Ghantous A, Lovison G, Galassi C, Ranzi A, Krogh V, Grioni S, Agnoli C, Sacerdote C, Mostafavi N, Naccarati A, Scalbert A, Vineis P, Probst-Hensch N; EXPOsOMICS Consortium. Environ Int. 2018 Oct;119:334-345. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.06.025. Epub 2018 Jul 7.
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• The human circulating miRNome reflects multiple organ disease risks in association with short-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution. Krauskopf J, Caiment F, van Veldhoven K, Chadeau-Hyam M, Sinharay R, Chung KF, Cullinan P, Collins P, Barratt B, Kelly FJ, Vermeulen R, Vineis P, de Kok TM, Kleinjans JC. Environ Int. 2018 Apr;113:26-34. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.01.014. Epub 2018 Jan 28.
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