Public Engagement
The Centre's Public Involvement Engagement ad Participation (PCIEP) strategy is led by the MRC Centre's PCIEP Coordinator, Dr Ian Mudway, supported by the public engagement officers in the two associated NIHR HPRUs, Dr Diana Varadena and Dr Oluwaseyi Arowosegbe, and by the joint PCIEP Committee.

Joint Public and Community Involvement Engagement and Participation (PCIEP) Committee
The Joint Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation (PCIEP) Committee consists of representatives from each of the partners in the MRC Centre and the HPRUs, led by the PCIEP Coordinators in the two HPRUs. It is responsible for coordinating and supporting the activities of the Public and Community Oversight Group (PCOG), and for the implementation of the PCIEP strategy and activities, co-developed with the PCOG.
Dr Diana Varaden | ICL | PCIEP Coordinator, HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health |
Dr Oluwaseyi Arowosegbe | ICL | PCIEP Coordinator, HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Bethan Davies | ICL | MRC Centre & HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Ian Mudway | ICL | MRC Centre PCIEP Lead and HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health |
Ms Angela Lewis | ICL | MRC Centre Manager & HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health |
Ms Anastasia Ioakeimidou | ICL | MRC Centre Manager & HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Kerry Broom | UKHSA | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health and in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Liz Ainsbury | UKHSA | HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Liza Selley | UoC | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health and in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |