Rosemary Chamberlain

What were you doing before joining the Centre?
I was working as a biostatistician at the University of Dundee, having completed a MPH degree at the University of Edinburgh in 2019.

Why did you choose the Centre and how did involvement with the Centre contribute to your project?
The Centre is conducting some of the most advanced air pollution epidemiological research in the UK and globally, so it was the ideal place to pursue my career in this area. While I have only just started my PhD, I am looking forward to working with and learning from the many world-renowned experts at the Centre.

What do you enjoy most about your day to day work and the people you work with?
I’m currently really enjoying the chance to immerse myself in the literature and taking the time to plan my project. I’m also enjoying interacting with and learning from scientists working on a wide range of research topics.

What are your plans after graduating?
At the moment my focus is on my PhD. After graduating I hope to continue working in environmental epidemiology within academia, with a particular focus on research that is directly policy-relevant.

What opportunities have you benefitted from outside your PhD?
I’m looking forward to getting involved in the Researchers’ Society. I’m also hoping to make the most of the opportunities for public engagement, to communicate with the wider public about the exciting research being conducted at the Centre.

Do you have any tips for future MRC Centre Studentship applicants?
Focus on communicating why you are interested in the research topic you are applying for. Being able to communicate the importance of your research area is critical.